Alexander Horatio Clenton

Born in the 1960’s, Alex was given his first name after ‘Alexander the Great’ and his second name after the Shakespearian character, not Lord Nelson. This did not prevent Alex being given the nick name ‘Sailor’ by his school friends. ‘Sailor’ over the years became shortened to ‘Sal’, a name that Alexander has informed Blatheron Publishing he may use in the future as a pen name. Alex started his writing ‘apprenticeship’ while still at school and continued to write on and off over the following decade until an issue arose over publicity. In the 1990’s Alex started writing under two different pen names, one he uses for romantic fiction and one for horror, as such he is a good example of using multiple pen names. After only a few years of writing, the issue of personal appearances again arose, and Alex withdrew from the business. During the COVID-19 lockdown “Blatheron Publishing” was formed and Alex was one of the first authors to be invited onboard. Please see Blatheron Publishing’s ‘About us’ page on their website for further details.